Dennis Union Church is an Open and Affirming Congregation — All are welcome!  

“Renewing Our Song” Workshop with Rev. Dr. Braxton D. Shelley

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Date(s) - 03/04
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

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Have you wondered about how to sing gospel music and spirituals in workship today in a way that addresses our complicated history with racism while honoring those who wrote and sang them, those who were and remain unknown and uncredited?

Have you been at a loss about how to begin to respectfully understand this sacred music so that its history is not denied or white privilege overlooked?  We invite you to join us for “Renewing Our Song”, a workshop led by Rev. Dr. Braxton D. Shelly of Yale Divinity School at Dennis Union Church on Saturday, March 4, 2023 from 1 pm – 4 pm.

Rev. Dr. Shelley will lead the workshop with lectures and discussion on what is means to sing spirituals and gospel music as an act of faith and praise while acknowledging its roots and resilient culture. Rev. Dr Shelley is an Associate Professor of Music, of Sacred Music, and of Divinity at Yale  and Yale Divinity School.  His scholarship is enriched by work as an active performer and ordained minister.

To participate in the workshop, please contact Dennis Union Church at or call 508-385-3543.  The church is located at 713 Main Street (Route 6A) in Dennis Village.