Dennis Union Church is an Open and Affirming Congregation — All are welcome!  

4th Annual Meeting of the Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ

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Date(s) - 06/17
8:00 am - 4:00 pm

DCU Center

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At this Annual Meeting – the first in-person Annual Meeting since the Conference officially came into being – we will do the business of the Conference, enjoy the incarnate presence of each other and reconnect, and witness to the power of what we can do when we come together. There will be a hybrid option for those unable to attend in person.

Together , we bring hope in making disciples of Jesus, making God’s love and justice real, bringing new life as agents of change, and forming covenantal partnerships.

Registration is open – register here.
The cost for the annual meeting is $120.00 per person for in-person and online attendance. Registration deadline is June 7th.


For more information, contact the Church Office at 508-385-3543.