Who We Are
No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!
Dennis Union Church is committed to:
- Serving the community as a means of being a blessing in the world.
- Offering a meaningful and relevant worship experience.
- Building young persons of character through a vibrant Faith Formation program.
Our church buildings have been standing in Dennis for more than 150 years. Our congregation looks forward to the future. We invite everyone to join us on the journey as we seek to fulfill the UCC Mission Statement:
“United in spirit and inspired by God’s grace, we welcome all, love all and seek justice for all.”
We are an Open and Affirming (ONA) Congregation
Dennis Union Church made our commitment to being “welcoming” official in 2017 when our Open and Affirming Covenant was adopted.
“Believing that everyone is a child of God, it is with joy, and in the love of Christ, that we welcome all persons into the full life, ministry and mission of Dennis Union Church. We choose not to turn away anyone whom Christ would welcome. We affirm the dignity and worth of every person including, but not limited to, people of every race, ethnicity, age, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, family structure or economic circumstance. We celebrate God’s creative love shown in the wide diversity of humanity and the unique gifts each of us brings to the world. It is our intention to love one another as Christ has loved us.”

Dennis Union Church has a rainbow flag to announce to all who see it, including all minorities – and any who feel disenfranchised and/or marginalized – that we truly welcome and include all individuals regardless of who they are or where they are on life’s journey.
We remember that God used the rainbow as a symbol of his covenant relationship with Noah and all future generations.
It is a covenant of love, hope and promise. We have entered into an ONA covenant with each other and the wider community, and the rainbow flag reminds us of our promise to love one another as we have been loved by God; to live with hope for the kind of future God desires for all creation; and to trust in the promises of God’s mercy and grace for all people.
We are a United Church of Christ congregation
The United Church of Christ affirms the responsibility of the Church in each generation to make this faith its own in reality of worship, in honesty of thought and expression, and in purity of heart before God.
—Preamble of The Constitution of the United Church of Christ
Dennis Union Church has its roots in two denominations, Congregational and Methodist, and was formed with a clear emphasis on being a union church. In 1957, the church received a new denominational name when the United Church of Christ (UCC) was formed with the merger between the Congregational Christian Churches and the Evangelical and Reformed Church.

Dennis Union Church is part of the Barnstable Association of the Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ www.ucc.org. The UCC is a distinct and diverse community of Christians that come together as one church to join faith and action. It is a church of “firsts”, www.ucc.org/about weaving God’s message of love and extravagant welcome with action for justice and peace. We work together to live out our faith in ways that effect change in our communities.