Dennis Union Church is an Open and Affirming Congregation — All are welcome!  

Becoming a Member

We welcome all who want to join us as followers of Jesus Christ. Many of our members come from different denominations and bring different life experiences and faith journeys to our community life. This makes our church strong and vibrant. 

Our Board of Deacons hosts membership information classes each year, and folks interested in joining the church are welcome to attend, bringing all questions with them. Attendance at information classes does not obligate you to join the church. We will get to know one another and learn from one another as you learn more about the Congregational way, the United Church of Christ (link to, and Dennis Union Church. 

Those who decide to join the church will be received officially during a special worship service, followed by a welcome reception in Fellowship Hall. 

We welcome your questions in these meetings and at any other time you may wish to discuss membership. Please call the office at (508) 385-3543 or contact to set up an appointment.

New members stand at the front of the sanctuary to be welcomed
Welcoming new members!