Music Programs
Music is central to all our worship services. We invite you to participate — join our chancel choir, play handbells, contribute your own musical gifts as an instrumentalist or solo singer, or just raise your voice in hymns from the pews.
Our Director of Music, Margaret Bossi, is well-known on the Cape as a conductor and educator. She has been with DUC since August 2007. The church has a very fine Casavant pipe organ and a Steinway grand piano.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir is the cornerstone of Dennis Union’s musical ministry. Members are volunteers with varied levels of musical training and background who love to sing. There is no age limit or audition requirement. Musical repertoire is deliberately eclectic to appeal to a wide variety of taste and skill level. We prepare extended programs for the Christmas season, and music for special services energizes worship in many different ways, from the meditative on Maundy Thursday to the raucous on Bluegrass Sunday and Jazz in July. We frequently have guest musicians, both student and professional.
The choir sings three Sundays each month from September to June. Rehearsals are Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. New choir members are always welcome!
Bell Choir
The Bell Choir plays monthly in Sunday worship and sometimes with the Chancel Choir. The choir plays a broad selection of music and has four octaves of bell and handchimes. The bell choir is currently at capacity, but we welcome experienced subs and ringers who might like to play during the summer months.
Rehearsals are on Wednesday evening from 5:15 to 6:45 pm.
Contact Maggie Bossi, Choir Director for more information about music at DUC.