Dennis Union Church is an Open and Affirming Congregation — All are welcome!  

Youth & Family

Families with Children 

Worship is at 10am, followed by coffee and fellowship in our parish hall. 

Children are welcome to join their parents for worship, and we invite you to sit up front so children can see what is happening. To help with parenting in the pews, we offer small activity bags for children, including crayons, coloring books (ask an usher or Deacon) After a Word for the Young in worship, grades pre-kindergarten through 9th grade are welcome leave for Sunday School with Cindy Fiscus.

Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month. Children leave Sunday School and rejoin their families in worship for Communion. Parents are encouraged to talk with children about the meaning of Communion and decide when is the appropriate time for children to partake of the bread and cup. (We offer regular and gluten-free bread and a non-alcoholic cup.) 

The youth and children of the church take the lead in presenting the entire worship service occasionally each year, including the Christmas Pageant.

Children singing


Sunday Child Care

Child care for children from birth to two or three years of age is available in the Crib Room (adjacent to the sanctuary). This room affords parents an opportunity to enjoy worship while their children are cared for close by. If a parent needs to comfort a child in the crib room, an audiocast of the service can be heard. 

Children’s Church School

Our Sunday School is year-round! On most Sundays, children go to worship with their parents. After a Word for the Young during worship, children head to their Sunday school classes. On the first Sunday of every month, children go directly to church school at 10 am and rejoin their families in worship for the celebration of communion. The children enjoy meaningful, lively, colorful Bible lessons and the fellowship of friends and church family. 

Youth Group

Youth Fellowship includes children from Fifth Grade through high school. They meet twice a month (once for an overnight get-together) service projects, fellowship, and fun. 

Service to Others

In Dennis Union Church’s children’s ministries, service to the wider community is emphasized whether by participating in church activities or in special projects planned as part of Children’s Sunday School and Youth Fellowship — including collections for Heifer International, visits to local retirement communities, and a talent show to raise money for Christmas donations. 


Baptism is the celebration of a new beginning in the life of a person created by faith in the saving Grace of God. It is one of the two sacraments celebrated by most Protestant Churches. 

In Baptism the church acknowledges and celebrates its faith that God offers Forgiveness and Grace to people, and calls people into the community of the Christian Church and into ministry and mission. 

Believing that the Grace of Jesus Christ is made visible in the Baptism of infants, we baptize both adults and children. 

If interested in Baptism, for yourself or for a child, please contact the pastor, who will arrange to meet with you and have a fuller discussion of Baptism and its meaning. At that time, scheduling the baptism can be discussed. Baptism is celebrated during congregational worship on Sunday at the regular service. 


Confirmation is a special time for a young people to commit to their faith and experience the Holy Spirit in their lives. Our confirmation program here at Dennis Union Church involves faith learning, sharing, serving, fellowship, and spiritual growth, and receives full support of the congregation. Students eligible for our classes are generally in the 8-10th grade of school, although individual student needs and abilities are considered. 

3 young women in their confirmation stoles

DUC member Abby Bishop was interviewed in 2022 about what Dennis Union Church has meant to her: